“Look at how good and pleasing it is when families live together as one. ”
Psalm 133:1
The Family Ministry works in concert with the children and youth ministries to meet the spiritual needs of the families of Fairview Baptist Church. The Family Ministry maintains a primary focus on marriage and parental relationships, providing discipleship, marriage enrichment and retreat opportunities. Premarital, marital, and general pastoral counseling is also provided and referrals are offered when needed.
The ultimate goal of the family ministry at Fairview is to enable couples to have long, healthy and happy marriages and encourage and equip parents to be the primary disciple makers in their homes. We pray you would consider making the Fairview family a part of your family.
The ultimate goal of the family ministry at Fairview is to enable couples to have long, healthy and happy marriages and encourage and equip parents to be the primary disciple makers in their homes. We pray you would consider making the Fairview family a part of your family.
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